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Replacing the lighting system in our factory, offices,
 and premises with an energy-saving 


Climate change is the single most serious threat our planet is facing today. We must reduce carbon emissions to, or below, levels agreed to in the Paris Climate Agreement to prevent catastrophic harm. Our Company has started taking action by: Replacing the lighting system in our factory, offices, and premises with an energy-saving system. Our roof tops are equipped with solar panels that converts sunlight into electricity by using photovoltaic (PV) cells. The produced solar power can cover the needs in electricity for our whole facility. Recycling program for packaging materials (EOAN & EEAA) Recycling  batteries (through the AFIS program). Recycling electrical and electronic devices. Recycling paper and print cartridges in our offices and factory. To save water we have changed our taps with new automatic sensor taps that automatically turn off.